コード MD03-01
系列 系列:I. English Studies
授業科目 3年英語学演習2-1
副題 (English Intonation)
副専攻 M1
担当者 杉本 淳子
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 木3
対象学年 3年

 The main focus of the course will be on intonation, the melody of speech. We will read the textbook to learn the forms and functions of English intonation, and will discuss how speakers make use of intonation in communication. The first few weeks will be used to familiarize students with the basic terminology, concepts, and theories of phonetics.
 Attendance, reading assignments, oral presentation, and term paper.
 English Intonation.
 (2006. J.C. Wells. Cambridge University Press.)
 Intonation. 2nd edition.
 (1997. A. Cruttenden. Cambridge University Press.)
 Gimson's Pronunciation of English. 6th edition.
 (2001. Revised by Alan Cruttenden. Arnold.)
 Preliminary reading and active participation in class discussion.
 From the textbook:
1. What is intonation
2. The functions of intonation
3. Intonation in EFL
4. Types of tones
5. Tones and sentence types
6. Tone meanings
7. Basic rule of nucleus placement
8. Nucleus shift

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